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PancakeSwap October 19th Weekly Security Report

· 4 min read
Sebastian Lim


The information provided through the BNB Chain community does not constitute advice or recommendation for investment or trading. Projects are listed in no particular order below. BNB Chain does not take responsibility for any of your investment decisions. Please seek professional advice before taking financial risks.

Contract names are there for reference only, there may be legitimate contracts which share the same name, always double check The contract addresses which are the unique identifier of any smart contract.


PancakeSwap is the most popular decentralized exchange native to BNB Chain. You can swap tokens, invest in yield farms and liquidity pools, and buy and sell collectibles. It is part of the ever-growing world of decentralized finance protocols.

PancakeSwap stands tall as the flagship DeFi platform within the BNB Smart Chain (BSC) ecosystem, however, risks exist in every DEX and blockchain ecosystem. HashDit diligently checks projects every week to identify potential threats within the PancakeSwap landscape, ensuring your trading experience is protected. Consider HashDit as a trusted guide that helps you navigate in DeFi by highlighting potential hazards and keeping your journey secure. Remember, vigilance and a proactive approach are vital for a safe and successful DeFi experience.

High Risk TVL protocol on PCS

In this week, there were 17 newly identified risky addresses. Trending newly identified risky addresses:

AddressContractNameWeekly Active Transactions
0x71cce0035d82c21cf4b908bcd8f1117fff0fa623bitcoin (bitcoin)427
0x2b3559c3dbdb294cbb71f2b30a693f4c6be6132dLucky star Currency (LSC)350
0x872a34ebb2d54af86827810eebc7b9dc6b2144aaRocketVaultRocketX (RVF)215
0x0a92285241b0ea93eff4195db4530af1a4bcfe0cCRYPTO_STREET (CST)179
0x16e79e09b3b56bcbba83667aff88dc6ca727af2eBART SIMPSON COIN ($BART)162
0x4673f018cc6d401aad0402bdbf2abcbf43dd69f3French connection finance (FCF)100
0x3c1748d647e6a56b37b66fcd2b5626d0461d3aa0DinoX Coin (DNXC)23
0x123458c167a371250d325bd8b1fff12c8af692a7DRAC Token (DRAC)17
0xb6b91269413b6b99242b1c0bc611031529999999CALO (CALO)15
0x8424b4c691473c873067b65d5f40f3ff0bf7463eSHIBKING INU (Shibking)9

Key themes on high risks:

  1. Almost three-quarter of the newly identified risky addresses (70%) were through threat intelligence. These addresses are either confirmed rugpulls (project has already removed rugged) or scam tokens that have high risk of rugs.

  2. Red Alarm projects are manually identified by our security team for being potential scams. These are identified from a project level, for example projects that utilize fake social media marketing, or create scam meme projects. They are labeled under the DApps section of this page(11%)

  3. Another theme for these contracts is that they showed scam features. This means that it could be a Ponzi, Honeypot or fake token. This portion represents 11% of the total newly identified risky addresses.

Refer to this link for the full list.

Tip: Filter by Top_TVL_Risky_Pool / Trending_Risky_Pool / Trending_Risky_Tokens to retrieve the risky addresses from different sources.

Integrations with PancakeSwap

Hashdit has partnered with PancakeSwap to integrate the DappBay’s Red Alarm. The risk score level reflects how risky the interacted token is, helping users make better informed decisions.

Example: Fake Circle Token - 0x84ef2e2e977062da3cfc12c038fa3ce2d42d01b1 IMG-1

The RedAlarm keyword will link to the risk scanner as seen in the image below. IMG-2

Please take note that the risk level in Pancake & Risk Scanner might be different, because Hashdit use more conservative strategies for PancakeSwap than DappBay risk scanner.


Stay Safe!

HashDit advises you to act with caution in general, but ask that you take particular care when dealing with the projects we highlight as risky on our weekly update. Continue enjoying the BNBChain ecosystem and most importantly, stay SAFU!

About HashDit?

HashDit is building a safe blockchain ecosystem on BNB Chain by providing threat intelligence, code auditing and instant analysis for smart contracts. In the vast and ever-evolving world of Defi investing, HashDit stands as a beacon of trust and knowledge for everyday investors. HashDit is a member of AvengerDAO, which is a community-driven initiative created to protect users and projects on BNB Chain from malicious actors and activity.