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Wallet Integration Guide

This guide will walk you through the potential solutions to integrate HashDit capabilities into your wallet application.

  1. Address Analysis: Wallet can use our address analysis api to analyze transaction addresses for potential risks, each address within the transaction is assigned a risk level, and alerts users proactively via warning messages. It will help users to make informed decisions about your transactions.
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Here is an example from Trust Wallet of how wallet can take the risk level and implement it

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Here is an example from PancakeSwap of how wallet can take the risk level and implement it

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Here is an example from HashDit Extension of how wallet can take the risk level and implement it

  1. dApp URL Analysis: Wallet can use our dApp URL analysis api to analyze the dApp url that users are connecting their wallet. So before users trigger any transactions or signatures, they get a validation from HashDit if the dApp url is flagged as malicious or not.
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Here is an example from Trust Wallet of how wallet can take the risk level and implement it

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Here is an example from HashDit Extension of how wallet can take the risk level and implement it

  1. Transaction Analysis + Signature Analysis: Of course, checking the domain and address is not enough and we encourage wallet to integrate our transaction+signature analysis api to run security scanner in layers for web3 dApp context. It combines the URL, transaction, and address information to deliver well-rounded detection, which will protect user from malicious approveals, fake mints and risky signatures.
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Here is an example from HashDit Extension of how wallet can take the risk level and implement it