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Trust Score Description

Score range: 0 - 100

The higher score stands for higher safety.

Score 0 - 59 (High risk)

  • This address is found to contain certain risks that might lead to partial/complete loss of funds for investors or the funds cannot be withdrawn from this project. Investments towards this project are highly not recommended. Users should revoke any existing approvals as soon as possible.

Score 60 - 79 (Medium risk)

  • This address in this project is found to be not properly configured or contain unsevere/unlikely bugs hence it has some potential risks. Those risks may or may not be directly related to money losses. However, one should pay attention to them since they might act as an indivisible part to perform hacks, or combining multiple risks can lead to severe impacts. Users are advised to be cautious unless they have totally understood the risks. It is recommended for users to DYOR(do your own research) before investing.

Score 80 - 100 (Low risk)

  • This address in this project have some information that need to be taken care of, and that information requires manual verification on the blockchain explorer or this project's webpage to ensure it does not have severe impacts. Such information may indicate potential risks such as centralization. It is recommended for users to still DYOR(do your own research) before investing.